It's official. Christopher and I have jumped onto the blogging wagon. We thought it would be a great idea to start a blog to keep in touch with family and friends. We both graduated from BYU this past week. Christopher was kind enough to walk with the art's college of humanities so that we could walk together. I graduated in English with a minor in Spanish and Christopher finished in Business Management. We will be leaving for Lubbock, Texas in the last part July for Chris to attend medical school at Texas Tech. We are so excited for the upcoming life experiences!
On May 4th we will fly out of Phoenix for Bangkok, Thailand, and won't return from our Asian adeventures until June 26th.We will be doing humanitarian work with the program Help International for the first six weeks of our stay, and plan to travel through Thailand, Cambodia, Southern Vietnam, and Northern Vietnam for three weeks after that.

We will be living amongst the tribal inhabitants of the northern rural area of Chiang Rai and will be working with a group of thirty other individuals who have each committed to devote their summer working full time as volunteers for the Thai people in poverty. We are both excited to be a part of the program! After arriving and helping out in the rice fields for the first week, we will have the opportunity to assess the needs of the people of Chiang Rai, and find ways to improve the community.

Along with other miscellaneous volunteer projects, Chris hopes to specifically get involved with the small hospital of Chiang Rai. I hope to teach English and help victims of trafficking. We both are so excited to eat thai food everyday, to ride elephants whenever we want, and to never see any snakes. At all. Ever. Cause they don't like the rain forest jungles of Thailand. And because I am not a big fan of snakes.

We are so grateful to everyone who has contributed and donated to the program. We hope that this blog will be an adequate update for the good use their charitable donations have gone to!!!
For anyone who is interested we will post a link to the Help International Website and the Help International Thailand Team Blog.