Sunday, May 18, 2014

From One Motha To Anotha

Last week a tired friend emailed myself and a few other moms about what a crazy Mothers Day she had last Sunday. She was upset that her one day a year to get breakfast in bed and be showered with gifts was a day of sick babies and overall chaos. She wrote how her attitude took a 180 when she stopped to realize that this day of celebrating Mothers was no better opportunity to "roll up her sleeves" and face the grit and grime that all Moms face on some days. I was grateful for the honest email- it came at a good time for me, and I was quick to reply:  

Ok, so I just got home from the gym (but it's 12 o'clock, your thinking- just now?... Turns out the routine of breastfeeding, burping, spit-up cleanup, blowout changes, feeding and clothing an impatient, demanding toddler (don't know where she gets it from...) takes several hours to go anywhere- and let's throw in part of that routine again because by the time we are packed up and ready to go out the door, Kellen needs fed. Again.)  
We made it to the gym and back and after we walk through the door I am running around the house with no shirt because Kellen needed to be fed as soon as we got home and Adele needed a snack before her nap time which needs to happen pronto cause if we don't put her down by noon, she gives up on the whole nap idea and all of us have a really great rest of the day with a no-nap toddler, an infant, and a disrupted-sleep-for-two-months-now momma… 
So I chased down Adele, helped her chug some apple sauce, carried both crying baby wanting to finish his feeding and squirming toddler upstairs. Right now Adele is in her crib and keeps yelling "uhoh"- which means she's either thrown her pacifier out of the crib (which she won't sleep without), or has her legs stuck in the bars of the crib. But I am pinned to the chair letting Kellen finish a feeding so I am checking my email on my phone (because that's also what Moms do- multi-task, right?) and I read your email and seriously started crying. Our Mothers Day experiences were similar- Chris was on-call all morning, and- miraculously- we made it to church (and only lost one of Adele's shoes in route). 
Thanks for the shout out- a real tender mercy in a time of need:)

Becoming a mom and accepting the daily (and nightly) responsibilities has been one of the most humbling challenges I have experienced. But also one of the most rewarding. I can't imagine a life without Adele and Kellen- they bring me so much joy and satisfaction. True- it may be humanly impossible for me to get through it without a diet coke and something chocolate when the days are long and the tempers are short- but I know that in the end, they will be the greatest thing I ever had a part in. 

In the mean time however, I find so much validation and solace from other moms who are also experiencing the difficult beauties of raising children. Chris showed me the following Youtube video the other day, and I had so much love, pride and humility all at the same time for these rocking moms. It made me feel like a real champion.

Katy Perry - Roar - Alex Boye Ft. Mom Bloggers United (Africanized Cover)

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